Reasons Why You Should Wear Comfy Moccasins Inside Your Home
After wearing shoes all day long some people prefer going barefoot inside their homes while others continue wearing their outdoor shoes inside. And then there are those who like to slip in their inhouse moccasins. If you are one of the former and are hesitating whether you should switch to slippers, here are some reasons that might finally convince you to make the switch.

Keep your feet warm and cosy

When our bodies get cold, our blood vessels narrow in order to reduce blood flow. This process is called vasoconstriction. The goal is to keep the core of your body warm, where the vital organs are located. However, this comes at the expense of cold hands and feet. Your extremities are the first ones that are affected in cold temperatures. And you have probably noticed that your hands and feet are the first parts of your body to get cold – as well as your nose and ears. While you probably won’t wear gloves inside the house when it is chilly for obvious reasons, you can definitely slip on a pair of comfy moccasins to keep you nice and warm. No need to crank up the thermostat!
Keep your house clean by only wearing indoor shoes
For those of you that can’t stand being barefoot even inside your home, you should definitely consider getting out of your dirty shoes and into a pair of clean home slippers. While outside you step into all kinds of stuff. By not removing your shoes, you are bringing that dirt inside on your carpets and floors. This is especially worrisome if you have children that like to crawl or play on the floor. You would be exposing them to all kinds of germs.

What’s worse, the dirt can then be transferred to every room around your house as well as your furniture and clean sheets. And if you say that you clean the floors and vacuum every day, we don’t believe you. So, keep your house germ free by only wearing your slippers inside. Leave your shoes at the doorstep and don’t forget to clean the soles of your indoor shoes every once in a while!
Prevent accidents due to slippery floors

Most of us don’t have carpets covering each room of our house. And the flooring can be extra slippery if you are wearing only socks. Running around the house and taking a sharp turn on that shiny wood floor is a recipe for disaster. Not to mention how easy it is to slip on that oil you spilled in the kitchen. Or the water on your bathroom tiles after that nice and long shower after work. You can easily prevent these accidents with moccasins that have non-slippery soles.
Your socks will always be clean and dry

Think about all those times you put on a pair of clean socks and then stepped on your wet bathroom floor. While it is not the worst thing that can happen to you, it certainly isn’t a great feeling. Or walking around in your kitchen and stepping on some mushy food you have dropped. You didn’t think that you need to change your socks so often yet here you are. Bathrooms and kitchens are where a pair of slippers are most appreciated.
Choosing the Perfect Pair
Non-slippery sole

We already mentioned the slippery slope that your kitchen and bathroom floors are. By getting indoor slippers with soles that offer traction, you will be able to prevent these unwanted accidents.
Flexible sole

The reason we take off our shoes is to be comfortable. So, it would make no sense to buy slippers with a hard sole. If the sole lacks flexibility, then it will be harder to walk in the shoes and they won’t be as comfortable as you would want them to be. A sole that bends easily means that you won’t notice you are wearing any slippers.
Soft cushioning

A soft and cushy footbed will provide your feet with extra comfort. We already mentioned the traction between your slippers and floors but what about the friction between your slippers and feet? If the footbed is hard, your feet will rub against it and you can end up with blisters and hardened skin. Always opt for soft padding to ensure maximum comfort.
Wide toe area

Leave the narrow-pointed toe shoes for special occasions, such as leaving the house. When you are at home, all that matters is that you feel cozy. Much like a hard footbed can cause hardened skin at the bottom of your feet, narrow toe area can cause blisters and hardened skin in the area around your toes. Make sure you have enough wiggle room and that your feet don’t feel restricted.
Slip-on closure

Leave laces and zippers for your fancy boots and sneakers. Slippers in which it is easier to slip in would invite you to wear them more often. No need to bend down and fasten a buckle or tie up your shoes. The only acceptable shoe closures are straps!